Show Notes:
Scott’s website:
Book: Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery by Scott H. Young
- Steve Pavlina
- Tristan Montebello
- Cal Newport
- The Year Without English
- Toastmasters
- Arrival
- Michael Lewis
- Daniel Willingham's learning styles
- [Zipf’s Law]('s_law#:~:text=Zipf's law is an empirical,rank in the frequency table.)
- Anders Ericsson
- Book: Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise
- Book: Fluent in 3 Months by Benny Lewis
- Book: Fear and Courage by Stanley Rockman
- Book: The Transfer of Cognitive Skill by Mark K. Singley and John R. Anderson
- Book: Ten Steps to Complex Learning by Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer
- Tiago Forte
- The Archive App
- Daniel Willingham's: “Memory is the residue of thought”
- Book: Wild Problems Russ Roberts
Takeaway Question: what could you be good at?
What could you be good at, if you were to build the foundation?
Action: Pick one skill or subject you’d like to learn more about and get better at. hat could I improve that in the next two weeks?